Tuesday, 20 March 2012

WE BRING THE CROWD : so they did

 on Friday 16Th   of March I saw  WE  BRING   THE  CROWD  at St Paul's Church in  Maybury ware  I   saw  my first   gig show  there  were  good high  standard   of  bands  that night   and  went too see we bring the crowd i head  from  voice of  mouth   as they  found out they  were  really good performers very relaxed at  the stage  as  like   they done it for years . I heard  from  Dan Razey  that this   was there second  gig   which  amazed  me  and impressed  by song work   that night  and  great  guitar playing   and   glad  Dan told  me about   it  found i had  great  night  seeing  great  bands performers  .                                                     thanks  to the 4 members  Remi Brand  , Dan Razer ' Matt Cornell, and Matt Brook 
who  brought   too great  evening  for  me.